Thursday, January 29, 2009


Dental Emergency Dental Coverage

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As we all know, toothaches and other dental mishaps can be extremely painful and tend to quickly drive you insane if not treated immediately by a professional dental care provider day or night. A dental emergency may include a broken or chipped tooth, a toothache quickly becoming unbearable, or an exposed nerve that may need an emergency root canal.

If you just had a tooth knocked out, the first thing to do is find it. When you find the tooth, make sure to scrub away any dirt and debris. Once you clean it, place it back in your mouth between the cheek and gums. Please do not try to put it back in the socket. If you can get to the dentist in time, he may be able to put the tooth back in place.

If you have fractured your tooth, your treatment will depend upon the severity of the fracture. No matter how small the fracture may seem, it's very important that you get to a dentist pronto. Minor fractures aren’t as bad, as they may not be painful and can normally be smoothed out using sandpaper or can also be restored with a composite. Either way, you’ll need to be sure to use extreme caution with the tooth until you get to your dentist.

More moderate fractures, normally include damage to the dentin and pulp. These fractures can be nothing to worry about sometimes, yet painful other times. Assuming that the pulp hasn’t been damaged, your dentist should be able to restore the shape and function of the fractured tooth. Now if pulp damage has occurred, the dentist may need to perform a root canal or another type of surgery to repair the tooth.

Whenever a dental emergency rears it's head, you should immediately schedule a dentist appointment. Your dentist will be able to identify the problem, and stop the pain. A dental emergency can happen any time, so you should have the emergency number of a dentist who will be there to save you when need be. Tooth pain is very excruciating and you’ll obviously want to address the problem and fix your dental emergency.

The Concerned

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